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"Saša Orlovic"
Provenance by site interaction and stability analysis of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances growth in common garden experiment (2015)
S. Stojnić, S. Orlović, D. Ballian, M. Ivanković, M. Šijačić-Nikolić, A. Pilipović, S. Bogdan, S. Kvesić, М. Маtaruga, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, D. Miljković, G. von Wuehlisch, Provenance by site interaction and stability analysis of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances growth in common garden experiment, SILVAE GENETICA, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 133 - 147, 2015 -
How poplar cope with upcoming climate change (2011-02)
V. Galović, S. Orlovic, B. Klašnja, P. Pap, S. Pekeč, M. Mataruga, How poplar cope with upcoming climate change, Book of abstract, Feb, 2011 -
Growth, survival, and genetic variability of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings in response to water deficit (2012)
M. Mataruga, D. Haase, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, Growth, survival, and genetic variability of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings in response to water deficit, NEW FORESTS, No. 43, pp. 791 - 804., 2012 -
Indoor Ecosystem Services: Impacts of Plants on Air Quality (2019)
M. Zorić, M. Simić, S. Orlović, E. Mladenović, Z. Babić, Indoor Ecosystem Services: Impacts of Plants on Air Quality, Contemporary Agriculture, pp. 12 - 16, 2019 -
A genomic dataset of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms generated by ddRAD tag sequencing in Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations from Central-Eastern Europe and Balkan Peninsula (2021-04)
E. Tóth, Z. Köbölkuti, K. Cseke, J. Kámpel, R. Takács, V. Tomov, P. Ábrán, S. Stojnic, E. Vastag, M. Mataruga, V. Daničić, E. Tahirukaj, P. Zhelev, S. Orlovic, A. Benke, A. Borovics, A genomic dataset of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms generated by ddRAD tag sequencing in Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations from Central-Eastern Europe and Balkan Peninsula, ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE, Vol. 78, No. 43, pp. 1 - 13, Apr, 2021 -
Revealing the genetic background of poplar breeding material (2010-09)
V. Galović, S. Orlovic, P. Pap, D. Zgonjanin-Bosić, M. Mataruga, L. Poljaković-Pajnik, M. Drekić, Revealing the genetic background of poplar breeding material, Book of Abstracts, Sep, 2010 -
The conversion program of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska-an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010-10)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, The conversion program of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska-an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Preceedings of the Biennial International Symposium Forest and sustainable development, pp. 65 - 70, Oct, 2010 -
Konzervacija i usmjereno korišćenje šumskih genetičkih resursa u prirodnim i zasađenim šumama (2011-03)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, Konzervacija i usmjereno korišćenje šumskih genetičkih resursa u prirodnim i zasađenim šumama, Knjiga sažetaka, pp. 18 - 19, Mar, 2011 -
Genetički resursi šumskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji (2011-05)
V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, M. Mataruga, L. Rakonjac, V. Ivetić, A. Lučić, Genetički resursi šumskih vrsta drveća u Srbiji, pp. 329 - 337, May, 2011 -
The dynamics of growth and survival of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings in conditions of different water deficit (2011-09)
M. Mataruga, D. Haase, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, The dynamics of growth and survival of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings in conditions of different water deficit, Book of abstracts, Sep, 2011 -
Novi pristupi u programima oplemenjivanja šumskog drveća (2011-10)
V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, M. Mataruga, K. Konstantinov, S. Mladenović-Drinić, Novi pristupi u programima oplemenjivanja šumskog drveća, Zbornik abstrakata, Oct, 2011 -
Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska - an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013-10)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlović, Г. Ђурић, В. Даничић, Б. Цвјетковић, Ј. Брујић, P. Balotić, M. Ćopić, Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska - an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oct, 2013 -
The Program of Forest Genetic Resources Conservation in Republic of Srpska (B&H) - current activities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka (2014-09)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, Г. Ђурић, В. Даничић, Ј. Брујић, Б. Цвјетковић, M. Ćopić, P. Balotić, The Program of Forest Genetic Resources Conservation in Republic of Srpska (B&H) - current activities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka, Book of apstracts, Sep, 2014 -
Genetic characterization of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-10)
M. Mataruga, V. Galović, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, B. Cvjetković, V. Daničić, P. Balotić, Genetic characterization of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts, Oct, 2014 -
Height growth variability of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances in common garden experiments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia (2014-10)
S. Stojnić, D. Ballian, M. Ivanković, M. Šijačić-Nikolić, S. Orlović, A. Pilipović, S. Bogdan, S. Kvesić, B. Cvjetković, M. Mataruga, V. Daničić, D. Miljković, G. von Wuehlisch, Height growth variability of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances in common garden experiments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia, Oct, 2014 -
Variation in leaf photosynthetiic traits of wild chery(Prunus avium L.) families in a nursery trial (2014-10)
S. Orlović, S. Stojnić, S. Pekeč, M. Mataruga, B. Cvjetković, D. Miljković, Variation in leaf photosynthetiic traits of wild chery(Prunus avium L.) families in a nursery trial, ŠUMARSKI LIST, Vol. 7-8, pp. 381 - 386, Oct, 2014 -
Шумски генетички ресурси (2013)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlović, Шумски генетички ресурси, Шумарски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци,, 2013 -
Програм очувања шумских генетичких ресурса Републике Српске, 2013—2025. година (2014)
М. Матаруга, V. Isajev, S. Orlović, G. Đurić, J. Brujić, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, M. Ćopić, P. Balotić, Програм очувања шумских генетичких ресурса Републике Српске, 2013—2025. година, Министарство пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде у Влади Републике Српске, Бања Лука, 2014 -
Трансгене дрвенасте биљке у савременом оплемењивању дрвећа (2021)
В. Исајев, С. Орловић, M. Mataruga, В. Живадиновић, Трансгене дрвенасте биљке у савременом оплемењивању дрвећа, Шумарство , No. 3-4, pp. 7 - 19, 2021 -
Примена молекуларних маркера у оплемењивању шумских врста дрвећа (2007-12)
В. Исајев, К. Константинов, С. Младеновић-Дринић, M. Mataruga, С. Орловић, В. Галовић, Примена молекуларних маркера у оплемењивању шумских врста дрвећа, Зборник апстраката научног скупа, Dec, 2007